Our Roots


Our Roots โ€ข

Born in 2017

Love Your Magic emerged as a powerful response to the urgent need for unwavering support for Black and Brown girls in Boston. Led by educator and social entrepreneur Ivanna Solano, the inaugural Love Your Magic Conference was born in 2017 through a collaborative effort with Black and Brown women educators in Boston who were invested in confronting the critical issues of adultification and the criminalization disproportionately faced by Black and Brown girls in their community.

Becoming a Nonprofit

While the Annual Conference made a profound impact, it became increasingly apparent that a more sustained and comprehensive approach was necessary to address the ongoing needs of our community. Recognizing this void, Ivanna Solano transformed Love Your Magic into an independent nonprofit organization. Today, it stands as a dynamic entity with intentional programs, strategic partnerships, and impactful events throughout the year, all centered around supporting and uplifting Black and Brown girls.

A Vision to Empower

According to Dr. Monique Couvson, renowned author of "Pushout: The Criminalization of Black Girls in School (2016)," "The criminalization of Black girls in schools is not just an isolated issue; it's part of a systemic challenge that requires comprehensive and targeted solutions." In light of these current realities and reflecting on her own educational journey, Solano envisioned creating sacred spaces and transformative experiences that empower Black and Brown girls to embrace the values of self-love, engage in self-care, build a supportive community, demonstrate leadership, and advocate for themselves and others. This vision aimed to counteract the harm inflicted by punitive classroom cultures and systemic barriers that permeate their young lives by fostering healing justice.

A Movement Rooted in Liberation

Since its inception in 2017, Love Your Magicโ€™s programming has evolved into a robust year-round calendar, providing a continuum of support for Black and Brown girls. This evolution reflects our commitment to dismantling oppressive structures, creating lasting change, and ensuring that every girl we serve thrives, embracing the magic within themselves. Love Your Magic is not just an organization; it is a movement rooted in the liberation of Black and Brown girls, transforming lives and rewriting the narrative for a brighter, more equitable future.

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