Our Purpose

Our Mission

Love Your Magic uplifts Black and Brown girls, nurturing their positive identity development. We empower them to use their voices in a world that too often demands their silence and to confidently navigate and disrupt systems that are not designed in their image.

Our Values

  • We believe in ancestral wisdom.

    We honor and celebrate the ancestral wisdom and history that has shaped the identities and experiences of Black and Brown girls. Recognizing the profound impact of our ancestors, we draw inspiration from their strength and contributions. By valuing and preserving our collective history, we empower the present and future, ensuring that the journey towards healing and liberation is grounded in the strength and legacy of those who came before us.

  • We believe in community.

    We are rooted in the communities we serve, with a dedication to being responsive and embedded in their narratives. Programs and services are shaped by the voices of the community, placing the healing and liberation of Black and Brown girls at the forefront. Through community-driven initiatives, we strive to empower and uplift.

  • We believe in education.

    We are committed to promoting learning, critical thinking, and education as transformative tools for the healing and liberation of Black girls. By providing access to quality education and fostering a culture of continuous learning, we empower girls to navigate the world with knowledge, resilience, and a profound sense of liberation.

  • We believe in healing justice.

    Our commitment to healing justice is at the core of our transformative work. We recognize that true liberation involves addressing and healing from past traumas. Through trauma-informed practices and unwavering support, we actively contribute to the healing and ultimate liberation of Black and Brown girls, fostering strength and empowerment.

  • We believe in intersectionality.

    We commit to deeply understanding and addressing the multifaceted identities and experiences of Black and Brown girls, recognizing the intersections of racism, gender, and other oppressive structures in their lives". Our focus is on fostering an environment that honors individual complexity, promoting the healing and liberation of every unique identity.

  • We believe in joy.

    Central to our mission is the cultivation of joy, self-expression, and well-being, recognizing these as essential elements of the healing and liberation journey for Black and Brown girls. Our spaces are intentionally designed to celebrate the inherent joy within each girl, fostering environments where healing and liberation can thrive.

Theory of Action

We are a sanctuary that is explicitly designed with Black and Brown girls’ needs at the center. 

Love Your Magic enables healthy development of Black and Brown girls through 4 pillars:

  • We are intentional about cultivating a “third space” of safety and community designed to foster chosen kinship. Our young people are free to express themselves in a space where they are affirmed, seen, and celebrated for their uniqueness and individuality.

  • We know the world seeks to shrink the power and authority our Black and Brown girls are entitled to, therefore we arm them with the skills to navigate the world with audacious confidence, clarity of their power, and a deep-rooted sense of self and values.

  • We create programming that supports healthy development focused on well-being, self-awareness, self-improvement, advocacy, and healthy relationships.

  • We grow with our participants from elementary school to college as a guiding and supportive partnership through all stages in their development.

Our Vision

Love Your Magic girls enter the world ready to lead with unshakeable confidence and empathy, to advocate with an awareness of what is fair and just, to use their voice to tell their stories, and to forge a path for their life equipped with rituals of self-love and self-care that will sustain them. They will never have to journey alone because of the life-long community and chosen kinship that is fortified within their developmental years.

Our Love & Magic Pillars

  • We equip Black and Brown girls with the tools and skills they need in order to advocate for themselves in a world that too often demands their silence.

  • We affirm and instill the importance of self - love into Black and Brown girls so that they are fully aware of their value and entitlement to healthy and reciprocal love and relationships.

  • We reclaim self-care and prioritize mental health for our Black and Brown girls to strengthen the toolkit they have to tend to their mind, body, and spirit.

  • Through an emphasis on fostering authentic connections and chosen kinship, we encourage our girls to see each other not as competitors, but as friends, supporters, and champions of one another.

  • We believe the world needs Black and Brown girls leading for equity, justice, and fairness. Love Your Magic leaders unapologetically take up space, lead authentically, and demand what they deserve. They teach people how to treat them well and prioritize their right to be heard, respected, and honored.